SA 8000 Certification

What Is SA 8000 Certification?

SA 8000, or Social Responsibility 8000, is a certification created by Social Accountability International (SAI), a non-profit organisation focused on the advancement of common rights in work environments. SA 8000 is a worldwide recognized confirmation standard that highlights friendly responsibility in the working environment. It guarantees that organisations agree with moral and socially capable practices, especially concerning work rights.

Key Features Of SA 8000 Certification Include

Labor Rights

SA 8000 highlights the insurance of key common rights and labourers’ freedoms. It resolves issues, for example, young work, constrained work, the opportunity of affiliation, and segregation.

Health and Safety

The SA 8000 standard includes rules to make sure workplaces are safe and healthy. It sets requirements for practices that prevent accidents and injuries on the job.

Working Hours

SA 8000 sets guidelines for working hours, including limitations on the number of working hours per week and provisions for overtime work.


The standard recognizes labourers’ freedoms to join worker’s organisations and take part in aggregate bargaining. Managers should respect the freedoms of labourers to coordinate for better working conditions.

Management Systems

SA 8000 restricts discrimination in work practices in light of factors like race, orientation, religion, handicap, or other safeguarded qualities.

Ethical Sourcing

The SA 8000 certification requires companies to set up management systems to identify, screen, and address social performance issues within their operations and supply chains.

Certification Process

Organisations looking for SA 8000 certification go through a careful review process led by licensed confirmation bodies. The review checks the association’s consistency with the standard’s requirements.

Continual Improvement

SA 8000 focuses on the need for continuous improvement in social performance. Certified organisations are expected to regularly review their practices, address areas for improvement, and show progress over time.

Key features of SA 8000 Certification include

Labor Rights

SA 8000 highlights the insurance of key common rights and labourers’ freedoms. It resolves issues, for example, young work, constrained work, the opportunity of affiliation, and segregation.

Health and Safety

The SA 8000 standard includes rules to make sure workplaces are safe and healthy. It sets requirements for practices that prevent accidents and injuries on the job. 

Working Hours

SA 8000 sets guidelines for working hours, including limitations on the number of working hours per week and provisions for overtime work.


The standard recognizes labourers’ freedoms to join worker’s organisations and take part in aggregate bargaining. Managers should respect the freedoms of labourers to coordinate for better working conditions.

Management Systems

SA 8000 restricts discrimination in work practices in light of factors like race, orientation, religion, handicap, or other safeguarded qualities.

Ethical Sourcing

The SA 8000 certification requires companies to set up management systems to identify, screen, and address social performance issues within their operations and supply chains.

Certification Process

Organisations looking for SA 8000 certification go through a careful review process led by licensed confirmation bodies. The review checks the association’s consistency with the standard’s requirements.

Continual Improvement

SA 8000 focuses on the need for continuous improvement in social performance. Certified organisations are expected to regularly review their practices, address areas for improvement, and show progress over time.

How Legal4sure Achieve SA 8000 Certification As Consultant?

Legal4Sure, as a specialist, successfully helps its clients get SA 8000 certification by guiding them through the process of meeting the standard’s requirements. This may include:

Review the client’s current social accountability practices, including their policies, procedures, and workplace conditions.

Identify gaps between the client’s current practices and the requirements mentioned in the SA 8000 standard.

Develop a detailed implementation plan that lays out the steps the client needs to take to align with SA 8000 requirements.

Help the client in creating and implementing social responsibility policies that include areas such as child labour, forced labour, health and safety, working hours, and fair pay.

Design and conduct training programs for the client’s employees, management, and other relevant stakeholders to ensure understanding and support for social responsibility practice.

Helping the client with promoting the fundamental documentation, like arrangements, methods, and records, to show consistency with SA 8000.

Supporting the client in carrying out the necessary changes inside their association and store network, including checking and estimating execution against SA 8000 standards.

Directing internal reviews to ensure the status of the SA 8000 certification review.

Helping the client during the confirmation review directed by a licensed outsider affirmation body to check consistency with SA 8000 necessities.

If any issues are found during the certification review, assist the client in creating and carrying out plans to fix them.


Provide tools for ongoing improvement, helping the client to maintain and enhance their social responsibility practices over time.


Continue supporting the client after certification, including assistance with follow-up audits and updates to ensure compliance with SA 8000.

As an expert, Legal4sure works closely with clients to build a strong social responsibility framework that meets SA 8000 standards. The focus is on sustainable practices, continual improvement, and promoting ethical and responsible business conduct.

List Of Documents Used In SA 8000 audit

The SA 8000 audit process involves a thorough examination of an organization’s social accountability management system. The specific documents required may vary based on the certification body and the organization’s size and complexity.


However, here is a general list of documents commonly used during an SA 8000 audit:



Social Accountability Policy

This archive frames organization strategies and systems connected with worker freedoms, obligations, and assumptions.


Social Accountability Manual

A complete report that explains the organization’s obligation to moral strategic policies and consistency with SA 8000 norms.


Code of Conduct

Agreements between the organization and its representatives itemizing terms of business, including wages, hours, and advantages.


Organizational Chart

A visual portrayal of the organization’s order and revealing design, showing lines of power and obligation.


Risk Assessment and Impact Analysis

Documentation of representative instructional courses connected with SA 8000 necessities, including participation records and preparing materials. their potential impacts on the organization and its stakeholders.


Training Records

Composed approaches and techniques administering work environment wellbeing and security works on, including crisis systems and peril evaluations.


Records of Communication

A particular strategy proclamation certifying the organization’s denial of youngster work in its tasks and production network.


Employment Contracts and Records

An arrangement record expressing the organization’s obligation to disallow constrained or compulsory work in the entirety of its structures.


Health and Safety Procedures

Organization approaches framing the obligation to give equivalent open doors to all workers, paying little heed to race, orientation, religion, or other safeguarded attributes.


Working Hours Records

Documentation frames the interaction for representatives to raise concerns or protests in regards to work environment conditions, including examination and goal strategies.


Wage Records

Documentation of complaints raised by workers, including subtleties of the issue, examination discoveries, and moves initiated to address the worries.


Child and Forced Labor Certifications

A manual giving point by point direction on executing and keeping up with social consistent norms, including SA 8000 prerequisites.


Grievance Mechanism Records

Documentation illustrating the moral norms and assumptions for providers and subcontractors, guaranteeing adherence to SA 8000 standards all through the store network.


Freedom of Association Records

Reports recording the consequences of inside reviews led to survey consistency with SA 8000 principles and distinguish regions for development.


Supplier Audits and Contracts

Plans created in light of review discoveries, framing explicit activities to address resistance issues and forestall repeat.


Corrective Action Plans

Minutes from gatherings where senior administration audits the organization’s social consistent execution, talks about review discoveries, and sets goals for development.


Management Review Minutes

Documentation given by the accreditation body affirming the organization’s consistency with SA 8000 principles and conceding certification status.

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